This is one person's experience with these systems of surveillance and control.
How it started.
I guess the best place to start is from the beginning. This is a story of how I fell down a rabbit hole and found out the world around me had changed in significant ways.
This is going back to 2017/2018 so my recollections of events might be out of time, out of sequence or just hazy. I will try to recall events as I remember them.
It started for me with a missing girl. A young man by the name of Aubery who was working for me as an assistant came in one day to my office all frustrated. He told me his sister was missing. Alarmed by this I did my best to assist him in helping find his sister. Including searching all her social media for clues. We eventually did find her, but in the process a lot of weird things happened. Among those is I believed I had come across criminal networks that were using the Internet to freely trade in human trafficking. I was shocked by what I thought I saw.
I’m going to take some time out to say at this point I was not mentally in a good state. I was abusing narcotics and had become very paranoid by what I was finding on the Internet. At the time I believed the prisoners were actively using their mobile devices in prisons and using fake profiles online to con and lure unsuspecting victims for human trafficking.
The more I “researched” the more I thought that we were living in one huge giant exploitation network (I even called it HEF, the Human Exploitation Framework) that was praying off vulnerable victims in our society. I saw “clues” everywhere and I had myself convinced that these huge criminal networks were all around us and was controlled by the Russians (I was to learn later this was a Tailored Access Operation). I also at some point thought Scientology was involved and wrote about that. I was confused.
Weird things would happen to me. For instance, I would be researching Facebook profiles for indications of “criminal” activities, especially around the prisoner profiles, and then some of those profiles started following me on Facebook (without any interactions with them other than viewing their profiles).
When I would look at these profiles, I could see they were profiles of gangsters in prisons. Their pictures on their Facebook would literally be a group of guys taking a selfie in a cell block.
The more I researched on this topic, the more I “red pilled” myself into believing that everything I was seeing was somehow a clue proving my belief (that Russian-controlled criminal networks had taken over the world). So, thinking I had something, I reached out to the police – local police and international police, including the FBI and Interpol as well as local police officers. I reached out to dozens of institutions, everyone I could think of, with this information.
They all rightfully ignored me. My information was bad and mentally I was messed up. I thought every clue was somehow and indicator that my beliefs were justified. I was manic and scared and didn’t even know how to present the information I was seeing to the authorities.
The lack of responses from the authorities just made me more paranoid. Perhaps they were all in on this I was incorrectly thinking.
My reality became cold and bleak, and I tried to reach out to people in every way I could think of. Including posting on dark web forums. No one was responding.
So that’s where I was mentally at this point. Messed up, confused and scared. Feeling like the world had abandoned me.
In all of this, I think someone or something heard me. That’s when I started noticing something very weird.
I’m being watched
I remember the first time I noticed that I could possibly have someone watching me. Weird things started happening on my Twitter. I would do something like be playing a game and order KFC and my Twitter feed would very quickly have a meme about KFC and gaming.
I would say and do things online or offline and I would come back and my social media feed would reflect what I had said or done.
For some reason, probably so people won’t talk about it, the things they targeted the most are things we as humans are often too embarrassed to talk about. For instance, if you went to the toilet and had a runny stomach, you would go back to your browser and there would be a joke, meme or subtweet about Diarrhoea. I must warn readers in advance, that I will be discussing this in more detail as we go along, and I promise you I cringe more than you do at having to talk about such topics.
Let me give you one such example. It was one of the first times I was shocked by what they let me know I could see. One evening I gave myself a little self-love and the next morning when I was watching YouTube videos one came up from a well-known comedy network, and in it the comedian made jokes about masturbation that was an exact story telling of what I had done the previous evening. Right down to the location I was and what I did.
At first I obviously thought this was coincidence. Somehow these things were just happening at the same time, but the more it happened the more I got the feeling that something was watching me. Once or twice is a coincidence. Ten or twenty times is freaky. Over fifty such “coincidences” and you start paying attention.
I became even more paranoid. At first, I was unsure of the technologies they were using to monitor me. I thought perhaps my computer was compromised, or they had hidden cameras set up. I did everything I could to find any cameras but I could not find any.
I had no idea how they were monitoring me but the longer they monitored me and commented on what I was doing the more I learnt.
Whenever I said something controversial, I would come back to my social media feeds and there would be some meme or subtweet about what I had just spoken about. So I started testing out where and how they could hear me.
I would be in the bathroom and say something controversial and sure as anything, when I got back to my computer, what I had said was reflected on my social media feeds. So I thought perhaps there was some type of advanced technology outside my house able to monitor me.
So I went for a walk on the beach. Once again I said something controversial and once again it was reflected on my social media feeds when I got back to my computer. However, I had taken my phone with me to the beach so I thought perhaps the mic on the phone had picked up what I was saying and transcribed it for comment.
So the next time I went for a walk (alone on the beach), I made sure to leave my phone at home, and once again I said something I knew they would react to, and when I got home, I checked my computer, and there it was.
So at this point I knew whatever technology was tracking me, was able to do so pretty much anywhere, any time. It could follow you on the beach and it could see through walls.
It doesn’t matter what you do or where you are. Even if you write something out with a pen and paper in a notepad, it is known exactly what you are writing and will be commented on.
My YouTube adventure starts
This is a bit of a weird aspect to the story, but one that must be commented on, because it kind of leads into the next part of the story. At this point in time, I still thought we were surrounded by criminal networks controlled by the Russians. I now had the added stress of being monitored all the time.
So I started making YouTube videos. At first I was just making YouTube videos for me and for fun. I had some idea of starting an infosec channel, but with this shift in my reality I started making other types of videos I must point out again at this time, I was really messed up mentally, I thought I saw clues of criminal activities when there were none and now had this weird monitoring thing happening to me. So in depression and desperation I started making music videos that reflected the reality I thought I was seeing.
My thinking at the time was that in this weird world I was living in, that imagination was the best defence against reality, and perhaps I could let people know what I saw through the videos I was creating (without being killed by the criminal networks).
At the time I was watching a lot of YouTube music videos, and the more I watched them the more I was convinced they were about this exploitation framework I thought I had found.
I recall one day, watching a YouTube music video by a well-known South African band, and to me it felt like the lyrics we speaking exactly to this issue and I had convinced myself these musicians knew what was really happening… and it’s at that point that I started reaching out to the stars. Perhaps they could help or put me in touch with people that could do something about this exploitation network.
I did this by creating a music video, trying to show what I could see in their music video (I was very red-pilled at this point so I was seeing whatever I wanted to see). I downloaded the South African bands mp3 and created my own music video out of it.
I didn’t just do this with the band from South Africa, I also reached out to some white hat hackers I was following. I figured out that surely if they saw my “evidence” they would see what I am seeing and understand what to do better. So I made a music video connecting to the hackers I was watching on YouTube.
The first stars
If you had to ask me now, who I noticed respond to my videos first I cannot recall with any type of clarity. I do not know which came first, but I did notice they were responses to what I had done.
One of the first responses I noticed from someone I was actually trying to communicate with came from the white hat hacker channel I was following. I had been following them for a while and I had made a music video trying to connect with them when I noticed that the video following mine all of a sudden started mentioning South Africa and they were making it out they could see me.
The next response I recall came from the female singer in the South African band I had reached out to. Not only could I see from her social media that she was aware of what I was doing, but that she was actively trying to communicate with me.
Another story worth remembering at this time. One evening, I was watching a late-night comedy show that deals with politics and what the host of the show said one evening resonated with me. So I also reached out to him. I created a music video (which I thought was actually pretty funny). Sure as heck, the next time I watched his show he let it known to me that he had watched the video and was aware of me.
It’s at this point I was convinced I had reached the stars that they would see the evidence I was trying to show the cops and everything would be okay. These are good people I thought, surely they would know what to do. I was introduced to many other stars during this time. I am not going to go into detail of all of them, but they included many actors, musicians and some politicians. I was blown away. Everything was magical at this point and I believed I was on the right track.
As crazy and desperate as I was at the time, I did not know how much more still had to come.
Pump and dump
I am not going to go into too many specifics from my communications with the stars. A lot of them were actually nice at the start. They had me absolutely believing that they had my back and were supportive of my idea. I even remember the one time thinking, surely now that they are involved, everything is going to be okay. I just couldn’t understand why they had not made direct contact with me. Everything was being done in this weird way that makes anything hard to prove and no one was being direct.
So I was really surprised one day when I noticed a comment on one of my YouTube videos – the one that referenced the South African band. I interacted with this person a couple of times and they made it out that they were the lead female singer for the band and that we should communicate.
Finally I thought, this nightmare was going to come to an end. I would be able to speak to that lead singer and everything would start making sense. So this person in my comments gave me their number and I tried to call it. The call would not connect, so I told the person in my comments that I could not connect to the number she had given me and gave her my number. A short while later I got call. I answered, elated that this weird thing of not communicating directly was about to end. When I answered the call, a female with a British accent started talking. I had been fooled. My heart and spirits crashed.
I even remember one famous billionaire commenting on the event via the methods they use to communicate with you on social media. He said something along the lines of “he handled that well”.
It was my first pump and dump. Where your expectations are heightened up by some type of communication that what you are experiencing is about to end. And then that day comes and nothing happens. They do this over and over again. Raising your expectations that something big is about to happen to you, they might even give you a date. But when that date goes by, nothing happens.
Whatever dreams you might have, whatever hopes you might have. They pump that as much as possible until you feel like things are just about to be sorted out, and then they dump you so you crash. The crash often involves a lot of negative memes and subtweets to drive the crash home.
They did this so much to me, the song “Boulevard of broken dreams” by Green Day had a new meaning to me.
They also let me know that I was going to be on camera all the time and they will be observing. They called it “lights always on”. They observe you everywhere. They observe you in your bed, at your desk, on the toilet, in the shower. No place is off limits to them, and they often take the information they have to humiliate and shame you with. They don’t let you know how long they are going to have you exposed like this, and if they do give you a date, it’s just a fake date to get your expectations up so they can pump and dump you.
It’s a scary thing to feel so exposed and vulnerable and so constantly humiliated.
It was some time (2018) around here that I stopped my regular habit of taking hard narcotics. I thought perhaps it was the drugs. However, stopping narcotics did not stop the changes happening around me, if anything, they continued to accelerate.
I had quit my job because I believed the people I was communicating with online would come for me one day and I was absolutely (incorrectly) convinced that many of people I was working for were somehow involved in this exploitation network. I was paranoid of everyone about me.
Pumps and dumps aside, this did not stop them from communicating with me.
A few more late-night show hosts reached out to me, but one case I recall clearly was about my wife at the time. I had tried to show my wife the evidence I had seen about the exploitation framework I thought I saw. She thought I was mad. I thought it was clear as day and in my paranoid state I started getting suspicious of her rejection of the information I was trying to show and thought that perhaps her lack of interest in what I was showing her, was somehow indicative that she knew about it and was trying to cover it up.
It also really didn’t help when I tried to tell her about my communications with the stars, she really must have thought I was bat-shit crazy.
The more I thought about this, the more “signs” I started seeing on my social media feeds “confirming” my incorrectly held belief. But what kind of sent me over the edge was one of the popular comedians I was following made a joke about a wife trying to kill her husband after referencing me and I thought for sure it was true.
This is one of my true regrets in life. I honestly thought my wife was trying to kill me, because all this “enlightened” information I was seeing was pointing to that. This led to some really mean behavior from me towards her that was unfair and unnecessary. Our fights got more bitter and came to a head one day when we got into a fight about who was going to use the car.
In my frustration I screamed at her and used my strength to pull the keys for my car out of her hands. This led to her calling the police and claiming that I had assaulted her. I was thrown out of my house at this point. I was never going to return.
I had now thrown away my wife, my career, my car and my house. All because of broken dreams. I guess in a way I deserved to be hurt, because I was not always a good husband.
Mind Blown
Before I go into too much detail about the next part of the story I have to introduce you to one more unbelievable technology. One that even with overwhelming evidence of it, I still struggle to believe even to this day. If somehow you are a reader who made it this far, and are following along with my information about how there are technologies that can see everywhere, this next bit I am going to tell you is probably going to lose you. However its actually not really a new technology that I haven’t introduced you to but rather how advanced the “all seeing” technology is.
Not only can it see through walls, it can see inside of you. To a very fine detail. One I am sure that can map out your neural networks and let an observer know what your most private and intimate thoughts are. I noticed that the technology that was observing me could pick up everything I did in fine detail one day when browsing Pinterest. I was browsing Pinterest (it used to be a very easy way for them to communicate with me) and all of a sudden my entire Pinterest wall was filled with gay men in suggestive poses. I knew that some people who were watching me thought I was gay, so I just rolled my eyes at the wall of pictures and refreshed the page. When I refreshed the page it was full of pictures of people rolling their eyes.
I remember the first time it was let known to me that whomever was watching me could see more than I realized. I remember getting a lift home one day. I was in the passenger seat and thinking about the band that had communicated with me and what had transpired. When I got home I opened up my social media feeds and was a little shocked to see a very specific number. This number correlates with the band I was thinking about’s name.
I was a little shocked, but obviously brushed it off. Just a coincidence I thought. Not a chance they knew what I was thinking about. Had to be a false positive, so I brushed it off.
Nope, over time, they made it clear to me they could see what I was thinking (it’s not always that accurate but they can see a lot of what goes on in your mind).
The first time I was sure they could read my mind was one day when I was taking a shower. I was in a mood so decided on some self-love. I didn’t think much more of it, got out the shower and went back to my computer. And what I saw next really shocked me to my core. Not only do they watch and comment on you masturbating, but they also commented on exactly what I had been thinking about. In specific detail!
This was to happen over and over again. When I imagined anything in my fantasies that the thought police didn’t approve of they would comment and try to humiliate me with it.
Now they let me know what I am thinking so regularly, that I don’t even react to it that much anymore.
I guess it’s important to tell you about this technology because the next part of this story involves how they use it to control you. Mostly with humiliation and shame.
What are your crimes!!!?
After the honeymoon phase had worn off with the stars and I was becoming more aware that I was being manipulated and controlled, a new phase started.
They started going through all the things I had done wrong in my life. Unfortunately for me I gave them a LOT of content to work through. I have lots of issues, I’ve done crimes. I’ve done drugs, I lie, I’ve been unfaithful. I’ve done a lot of things wrong.
Now not only do they have access to your memories (well, when you think them), but they also have access to all your digital data. I don’t know how, but somewhere there are big computers storing all your personal information. Even stuff you have deleted. So every website you ever chatted on, every photo you took, everything you have done in the digital sphere is accessible to them.
So they start going through my crimes. They let me know when they have picked up something I have done and shame you as much as possible for whatever you did wrong. Since I gave them so much content to work with, they spent a lot of time shaming me.
But the shaming part is not always accurate. In the process I have been accused of many crimes that I have not done, including sexual assault, strangling a woman, sleeping with someone below the legal age limit, murder, arson and many more crimes I have not done. I don’t know if this is because they are just fishing for something from memory or because someone has provided them with false information and they believe it. Now I guess going through someone’s crimes is not all bad. They have this technology; they are using it to “fix crime”. I could see how it could be used for good. What I don’t get though, is after they have shamed you over one of your crimes, they go over it and over it and over it and over it again until you stop feeling shameful.
This goes on for years on end, with no one telling you how long they are going to do it to you. This is happening while you have an “audience” commenting on what you are doing privately in the bathroom and while they are going through your head.
I know myself well enough to know I have fucked up many times in my life, and I’ve tried to become better as the years have gone by, but nothing I have done in my life created a victim that I deserve this non-stop psychological and emotional manipulation for this long. This is no longer punishment through which I learn my lesson, it’s just psychological abuse now.
This has been going on for so long now, that when they do it, I just get annoyed, I am not shameful any more. I know me, I know what I have done in my life, and I have not done anything to deserve my life been wrecked this badly. With the never-ending humiliation and “lights always on”.
It makes having the simplest thing, like a job, really hard with the constant stress of walking on eggshells in case someone takes offense and wants to run a campaign against you.
I got angry
I don’t know when it started that I got angry, but the more I learnt about the system, the more I realized how it’s been abused and not used for the right purposes. This started making me angry. From my perspective now, there are a whole lot of rich people in my life, watching me with their advanced technology; judging everything I do or say, humiliating me at every opportunity. However, while saying this, there were also a whole lot of people supportive of me, and encouraging me to carry on. So not everyone involved in this system is messed up.
A lot of famous people were now involved with my life, and a lot of resources had been used to communicate with me (since they do everything in a way you can’t prove through social media). I felt a little like I was in the sims. I can kinda see the merit in going over peoples’ crimes and holding them accountable, but what I couldn’t understand is at worse I was a con and womaniser with drug problems.
What makes this system evil, and not really a system of rehabilitation, is they don’t have any type of due process. You have no rights, half the time you don’t know what you are accused of, you don’t know for how long they are going to psychologically hurt you. You don’t know for how long you are going to be on their cameras.
While you feel like a prisoner in this system, you are not. A prisoner has rights and due process. They understand why they are being punished, for what, and for how long. As of writing this, I don’t know for how long they are going to continue damaging me. It’s been six years already.
What annoys me, is while this is all being done to me, the biggest criminals in the world are going unchecked.
The people in control of these technologies literally have the power to end corruption, stop global warming and save the world, and here they are spending all their time and resources on some petty fuck up. Why were they not using the technology to save the world? Why use it to fuck up someone you don’t approve of that’s not a real threat to anyone?
I guess a part of that answer has to do with secrecy. They don’t want you (the public) to know they have technologies that can watch you in your bathroom, they don’t want you to know they have technologies that can read your mind. From what best I can make out, they want to keep this technology secret so they can control people and events for their gain.
For instance, they might come across an obviously corrupt politician or businessman, go through his personal stuff, find out his crimes, and instead of exposing him, they use the crimes to control that person for their own ends.
The world needs to know about these technologies in order to know that everyone is always on camera. So, don’t commit crimes or you will be abused. People need to now in order to protect themselves from the predators and psychopaths who have access to the system.
When I first came across this system I thought it was only enlightened people that would have access to such advanced technologies. I have since learnt that it’s not only good people, the authorities or police that have access to you in your bathroom. Its every Tom, Dick and Harry with a bit of fame and money. And some of these people are really fucked up! They should not be allowed to have access to such advanced technologies. They are sadistic and abusive. There are absolute psychopaths and extreme narcissists who have access to these technologies, and they can watch you in your bathroom. They can watch you type out your passwords, they can watch you fill out the pin when using the ATM. They have access to your most intimate secrets.
Another point that made me angry, is they use your sexual thoughts or sexuality as a weapon against you to try to control you. Say you have a very intimate private thought – they will use that private thought to humiliate and control you.
I know it’s a war crime to rape someone or use sex as a weapon against them. So it made me angry that they were using such terrible means to control people. Someone taking your most intimate thoughts from your mind and using it to abuse you feels like a type of rape for which we are still to come up with a name.
I remember getting so angry about what was been done, that I swore at some very powerful people. In hindsight, this was not my best moment, I just got a lot more attention.
Who is “they”?
I think this is a good time to talk about who “they” are. As often in conspiracies (and without evidence to give you readers, this is just a conspiracy), a good conspiracy involves a “they” or “them” that is hard to define. This conspiracy doesn’t disappoint. As far as I can tell, there is no one “they” or “them”. It is many groups. I have come across the conservatives and right wing on Twitter attacking me (they really hate me because of my liberal tendencies). So the right wing is one such group. We can call them Team Red.
Then there is Team Blue. They played an early part in my pumps and dumps but mostly we stay out of each other’s way now. While they might have damaged me in the past, but I don’t get the feeling they are trying to hurt me now.
Then there’s what I am going to call the Hollywood-military complex. I can’t see how these technologies can be used without the military. But there is a connection between celebrities, the military and using their influence to try to influence people. They often make out that this extended mental abuse is some kind of “live reality” show that I am on, and I must just endure it and not react.
And then there are foreign players. People and entities outside the USA that have access to advanced technology. Since I have not had much time to explore the limit of their technologies, I don’t know much access they have.
I do know that China has access to a lot of information that has happened to me, and appear to know what’s happening. So there you go folks, foreign nations know about these technological capabilities, but the people in their own country don’t know such tech is been used to control them.
How I learnt about China is actually an interesting story worth repeating here as it happened recently and my memories are still fresh. I was on Threads one day (I had left Twitter/X as the right-wing had made it clear they were going to make my life as miserable there as possible) and I noticed my feed going all crazy again. The passive aggressive posts started coming through. These were posts from people that didn’t like my womaniser days, and wanted me to feel bad about it. I will give you a small example of what my feed looks like when under such an attack.
Now imagine what I am showing you above, not once, or twice, but hundreds of times in a short time span.
So I got fed up. This went on for a couple of days and eventually I got tired of it. I’ve long since paid for any sins I might have committed against any woman and I was over this relentless attack; so I thought, let me try social media over which the powers that be have less control.
So I started using TikTok. I mean, I know the people in the US can control what comes on your social media feed like Twitter/X, Threads, Pinterest, YouTube and Bluesky (all of these can manipulate your social media feed to show you what they want you to see or believe, Bluesky seems to be the least bad).
So no matter where I went I knew I was going to get flak. Then I remembered that once a year or two back, when I went on TikTok and they got really upset with me. So I decided to try it again.
I know the USA is going to ban TikTok, so I thought, let me try it out again. Oh boy, did the people who control TikTok know I was there. Within minutes my feed had videos that were very specific to me. First a lot of the videos shown to me, were videos with the meme music I have used in the past. Not only that, one of the things that the people who control this system taught me, was to associate colours with names. I have my own colours that were given to me. Orange and blue. All of a sudden my TikTok was messaging me, but in my colours.
It just got weirder (and a little cooler) after that. They knew I was there and it was quiet a show. Instead of attacking me, they showed me support. They let it be known that they knew what I was going through and offered advice on how to deal with what I am dealing with.
It honestly felt like I had left an abusive ex and found someone who didn’t want to abuse me. It was an amazing feeling.
However, I can’t have nice things apparently. There are some people who have supported me through this entire thing. Well at least I think they have (you really don’t know who is honestly supporting you and who is pretending to support you just to set you up). They got upset that I was dealing with the Chinese. They mentioned something that the people in charge there were really bad and I shouldn’t go there.
I’m sure the people in charge are pretty bad, but I feel that same way when I look at the west. I mean, they’re using sexual humiliation as a tool to try to control you. They abuse you psychologically for years on end. There is no one to whom you can turn for help – not the police, not your government, not the people with whom you are communicating.
So having a space where I was told I was accepted and would be safe was quiet a thing. Then having people tell me I shouldn’t use TikTok is another thing.
I don’t know if they don’t want me to use TikTok because they are scared they are going to lose control of me, or because they have genuine concern for my safety.
From what I have experienced in this system, in this system, I don’t get that my life is that important (though I’m sure there are some people to whom it might be) for many. When I feel suicidal about being on camera the whole time and having my entire life and mind exposed, I’ll sometimes get messages like. “I know you want to jump – go ahead”.
After writing the above paragraph, I do realize some people in this system do care about my physical health. I will go into that in much more detail in the next chapter. I just found it weird they were so critical about my physical health while my mental health was being destroyed in front of them.
So back to “who are they”. Its lots of people and lots of different interest groups. Mostly people with money, fame and power. There is however one common thread that underlines all of them. No matter what political party they represent, no matter which country they are from, they all do the gaslighting thing of no direct contact. Only communicating through subtweets and memes.
So even though they come from different political ideologies, different countries (with competing ideologies), different agendas and different religions, they work together (in different ways) to try to impact you indirectly. I don’t know if it is a rule in a game rich people play or if there is an underlying force holding all the powers that be to this one rule. I’m leaning with “rules of the game” more than I am with there being one underlying power that controls all the different interests involved.
I took a bit of a break after writing the above text, and my Threads feed had changed from “angry woman” to messages that came through on my social media feed that looked like this. I do not think they like what I am writing.
Mind “Police” (I put the police in quotes, because these are not police, they just normal people).
This is a strange phenomenon you find when trapped in this type of existence. You get some people that go out of their way to make your life miserable and will follow you no matter where you go or even if you block them.
I’ll give you one example. Let’s call this person “Cloud1”. During all the online adventures I was having this person came up on my Twitter feed (it was still Twitter back then), they looked kinda interesting so I followed them.
It was not long before they became a stone thrower. Someone who likes to go through all your personal data and thoughts and make you suffer for anything you may have done in the past, or something you may be thinking.
Since there is an unlimited amount of stone throwers online, I blocked this person on Twitter.
They are a dime a dozen, but what made this one different is even after I blocked them on Twitter, they would get other users to take screenshots of what they were saying and push it onto my feed. I would block those people, but Cloud1 is very persistent.
So eventually I leave X (It was called X at this point and had become pretty gross) and try out Threads. Threads is okay, but I could also see the social media I was looking at was heavily manipulated, so I thought I would try out one more site.
So I signed up to Bluesky. Who is one of the first people that come up on my suggested feed? Cloud1. So once again I have to block this person. They were the first person I blocked on Bluesky.
However, as you may have noticed, blocking Cloud1 doesn’t really help, as other people will just screenshot what they are saying and that will come up on my feed, and this is exactly what happened.
The most recent example was that I was THINKING about how many women are attracted to money and power and how so many top businessmen (who are very plain looking) have these smoking hot wives. Of course, I, going through my private thoughts, didn’t approve of this, and let it be known to me and everyone else what I was thinking. They apparently decided to be offended on behalf of... I dunno.... whatever they decide to take offense for.
I just wanted this story in here, to show people, that your private thoughts are being exfiltrated from your head, and then used as a weapon against you to try to control you.
I don’t know why I thought my thought was so controversial. It’s not like there is an entire sex industry built up around the concept of sex for money.
I guess my thoughts were just not “pure” enough.
Not everyone is evil in the system
While there are aspects of this experience that can easily be classed as future crimes against humanity, there are lots of good and good people in this system as well. Not everyone is trying to lie or hurt you and some aspects of the messaging I have is definitely concerned with my health.
I guess you first need to understand two aspects of this. Everything in my life is streamed. My life and what often seems like my thoughts. This stream has a pretty big audience. Or at least it’s made to seem that way. This audience is mostly made up of rich, influential and powerful people and the even richer people who control them.
There also seems to be a group of people who are just highly skilled. They seem to be tech people, engineers, infosec folk, developers, mainframe experts and scientists.
I often get messaging from these people in the form of messages to lose weight, read a book, stop smoking, exercise more, drink less soda and many other health aspects. There are people trying to push through some positive messaging and advice.
Not only that, there are a lot of people who just post something positive or give you positive messaging to keep you motivated even on your darkest days.
I can see these are good people and there are good people in the system, there is one thing that confuses me about this whole 6-year experience. After they have seen how much people have lied and used me in this system, knowing that gaslighting is actually a type of psychological abuse, why not just send me a direct message? Instead of playing all these silly secrecy games, just message me if my health actually means anything. We don’t need to become bffs, why not just stop the gaslighting? Gaslighting is bad. You are good. Why do good things in bad ways? Is it because they have been told I am such a terrible person that I deserve this type of abuse?
Strange Deaths
This happened right at the start, I am not yet sure if the stars were involved or not, I can’t remember. I do remember being in contact with the stars by the second death as I remember the story they created for me and what “nationality” was behind the deaths.
The first death was someone I was researching. I thought I had found a really bad person (I was to learn later that this person was really a powerful bad person, but perhaps for other reasons) who had created a fake educational facility for kids with troubled pasts. At the time I thought it was some type of recruitment/paedo school that was creating victims. I was probably wrong on all of this.
According to the press he had mob links and was possibly involved in government corruption.
However, in the documentation I had submitted to all the intelligence and news agencies was a section about this man. Soon after that he had a mysterious car crash and died. I thought the timing of his accident was odd.
Then around this time, when all the crazy stuff was happening, there was another man whose name I do not know. I was a city councillor at the time and people were bringing me disturbing videos. I remember this bearded guy had connected with me. He had made it out he was aware of the criminal gangs.
One day he brought me a video. In this video it showed a blonde man hitting, beating and grabbing a woman by the throat. It was disgusting. I uploaded the video to YouTube so the “AI” could see it. I don’t recall making the video public. It was a private video.
Soon after that, this guy also had a car accident. Apparently, he was driving recklessly and had an oncoming collision with another car. Very strange timing!
I remember at the time this experience made me nervous about power. That when you have an audience, how something silly you could do or say could possibly lead to people’s deaths. It’s one of the reasons that as more people have followed me, the more I have tried to restrain from violent responses.
Even though at this I sometimes fail. The sexual abusers really trigger me to having violent thoughts. I have tried to become better at containing that anger.
So to everyone that reads this, no matter who you are or how you support me (or despite what I say in anger), never suggest violence for me, please, unless it’s to directly save someone’s life from someone else harming them (and no other methods of recourse to protect that life is available).
I know these deaths have a high chance of being coincidental, but in the case that they are not, I do not want people to die – so I am documenting my feelings on this.
Living in this surveillance system and what can I do about it.
Some hard advice here. Get your affairs in order. They can see your whole life. They can easily find out all your crimes, if you ever cheated… just about everything. From now on, give them as little ammo as possible with which to attack you. Teach your kids that they are on camera and, if they do commit crimes, this can be weaponized and used with which to attack you for years. Don’t commit crimes, try to do good deeds to balance your karma.
Some advice for the guys with more than one lady out there. Unless they know about each other and everything is consensual. Stop it now. There are some really rich ladies who have obviously been really messed up by guys in their lives and they’re very angry. To avoid washing machine robots I would recommend being as open with whomever you are with and being honest about your intentions as possible. Don’t cheat, you can get fucked up for this.
To folks that abuse people physically. Your time is coming to an end. There are evolving systems; so I don’t have great advice for you other than to stop hurting and physically abusing people. Stop and work your ass off to make up for the harm you have done.
What can I do against this system? Well, based on much media, not much. How does the song go? “Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage.”
I can try to convince people around me that we live in a surveillance world and that everything is recorded; that this information can be used to control you; that some good people have access to this new technology and some very bad people have access to it. Try to live a life that gives those who can control this system as little power as possible with which to control you.
I really do believe it’s important everyone knows about this technology so that everyone has a fair chance in life; that they can learn to protect themselves from the predators who have access to surveillance systems and who can manipulate their media. These systems can be used to create false realities, false religious experiences and used to control you and your emotions.
Children born aware of these technologies know to live in such a way that prevents them from abused or control by bad entities. Children who are unaware of these technologies will live life at a huge disadvantage, something which will lead to them being more easily manipulated and controlled by those with access to these technologies.
If you read this far and would like more anecdotal information, I have a hand written personal diary detailing events happening to me that goes back to 2019. I will be happy to scan that and send it to you.